Here are the items that we needed for this project.
The recipe:
1/2 cup cinnamon
1/2 apple sauce
2 tbsp glue
Mix everything together and then roll out on wax paper and cut out Gingerbread Men. Then, use a stray to make a hole in their head for an ornament hook. Let them dry for about four days until they harden.
We ended up having some problems with the mixture and had to add flour to make it more doughy. I would guess that I used around 1-2 cups of flour to make it more doughy. Although, I will warn that we also had an apple sauce explosion and there might have just been too much apple sauce.
I have gotten in the habit of letting Matthew add and stir the ingredients. I still have to help him to keep it in the bowl, but he is doing well. As we were stirring things in, I took a moment to let Matthew sniff the cinnamon. I knew it was a small that he was not going to be familiar with.
Next we roll out our dough...and eventually add flour, because it is just too sticky! We worked the dough with our hands too, because it is nice to be able to touch and talk about what we feel.
Once we got it right, it was easy to roll out and cut. If I place the cookie cutter, Matthew can press down on to make the cut outs.
I like to reuse as much of the dough as possible and Matthew LOVES to do the rolling. Here we are rolling out the dough to make more.
In the end, we had 8 nice looking Gingerbread Men. The recipe that I found said that after they dry out you can paint them. I think these are the perfect cute little homemade gift!
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