Sunday, October 8, 2017

Pizza Hut Book It for Homeschoolers!!!

This week, my kids were not feeling great. When that happens, I tend to see them using lots of screens and I start to feel like a horrible mom! I know you've been there!!! Thursday, our Pizza Hut Book It slips came in the mail. This program is offered to homeschoolers and you can sign up here. Just an FYI - You will want to sign up over the summer and then everything will come in early October. I decided that this would be a good time for me to get my kids off of screens and motivated to read some books!!! I make up a reading log for each of them and set the required books at 40 per month. I also explained all of the rules. The charts went right up on the wall, but the kids did not jump right into reading!?? Whaaaa???? Actually, they ran for the paper and markers. Both of my kiddos wanted to make "Do Not Disturb" signs for their rooms so that they could read uninterrupted. THEN, they started reading!!! That got me thinking that there might be some other families that could use a Book It log or "Do Not Disturb" signs. So, I made some for my Teachers Pay Teachers store. Click here to see the full product. Here's the fun cover!!

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