Thursday, February 24, 2011

Room overhaul update...

I showed you what was basically the before pictures of our guest room "overhaul" last week. Demolition has commenced that progress is being made, so I wanted to give you an update.

I wanted to get a picture of all of the plaster and drywall (yes....we had two layers of wall in there) all over the floor. The same day that I took the previous pictures, Perkins Construction came to do the demolition. By the end of the day, there was over 2 feet of wall just filling up the room. I missed that picture, but these are good too!

Oh the mess!

This is the insulation that was in the ceiling. It's in a pile to go back where it came from!

That think piece of wire was once the electric to the light fixture. That simple little fixture, will be no more!

I've been helping with some of these. For those that don't know, "Perkins Construction", is my father's business. So, when he does these little jobs for us, we are pretty much obligated to help. I can't complain though, as my only jobs so far have been to removed all the stuff from the room, vacuum the hallway floor, and pull nails out of the framework. I'm pretty good about helping where I can, so I also managed to get the faceplates off the outlets. My big job for the upcoming week is to get the floor that was under the carpet out of the room and into the dumpster. No big deal! I really don't mind helping! I've learned a lot over the years.

Drywall is going up on the ceiling this week. I'm excited!

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